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Apply to be a Pattern Tester

Want to sign up to be the first to know when we have new test? Fill out the application located at the bottom of the page!


There is one for CROCHET testers and one for KNIT testers! 


Please be sure to read the details of each pattern test.


Apply for the *currently unnamed* front tie top!

Apply to become a Crochet Pattern Tester
(receive emails every time we need new testers for a pattern)
Is this a predominantly crochet/fiber arts page?
Upload File
Is your Instagram Public or Private?

Thanks for applying!

Keep an eye out for any emails/messages for future tests!

Apply to become a Knit Pattern Tester
(receive emails every time we need new testers for a pattern)
Is this a predominantly knit/fiber arts page?
Upload File
Is your Instagram Public or Private?

Thanks for applying!

Keep an eye out for any emails/messages for future tests!

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